Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Manresa Lucie 33 anys

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Escola on he estudiat Business Academy Faig classes per alumnes de Educació secundària obligatòria Disponibilitat Mornings (8 am - 11 am) and Fridays (9 am - 8 pm) Les classes es realitzaran Presencialment
Experiència Let me introduce shortly myself and my experience as a teacher. I am originally from the Czech Republic and I've been living here a few months. I still do not speak Catalan or Spanish, therefore you are forced to use only English with me, which might be an advantage. In the past, I had been mostly teaching one-to-one classes for the students who aimed to take an exam or needed to improve their skills. Furthermore, I gained needed experience with children as an au pair (USA, England, France, Spain) and I used to teach in a primary school on voluntary basis. Although, recently it has changed and I've dedicated more time to teaching. I'd finished TEFL course and started to teach in an English Academy, where I prepare classes for students at different levels and achiveing progress by specific approaches according to students needs. I will be pleased to do the same for you. Especialitats Anglès
Mònica Manresa
Estem molt satisfets tant amb RepàsAap com amb la Lucie, ja que el fet de poder fer les classes a casa ens permet molta més disponibilitat. La Lucie és organitzada, puntual i molt responsable amb els alumnes. Els meus fills están motivats a seguir aprenent anglès gràcies a ella. És propera i ens manté informats. La recomano molt!